* Earth*Body*Soul

Bush School - product image

Bush School

Sending a child into the bush to embrace, learn and experience nature, and the joy of their heritage is the goal of a Bush School. In conjunction with Save the Elephants South Africa, we select 8 children from a local community and they spend 3 days at the Timbavati Bush-school. A qualified ranger teaches them tracking and how to imitate bird calls, and takes them for a bush walk; they spend a day with an elephant researcher learning telemetry and all about these giants of the bush, face painting- arts and crafts, and traditional dancing all form part of this weekend that enriches these childrens lives..and teaches them to question themselves, respect nature and grow!

Please contact me if you would like to contribute TOWARDS a bush school if you cannot buy the whole package. This includes all accommodation, meals and snacks, a ranger, african dancers, transport, any laundry, a game drive vehicle, and the day with the Elephant Research team.

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